L- arginine is one of the most significant nutraceuticals ever discovered, and its remarkable properties were validated by the 1998 Nobel Prize in medicine. Scientific studies have shown that L-arginine helps maintain already normal blood pressure levels, blood thickness and improves overall cardiovascular fitness. Synergy’s ProArgi-9 Plus is a revolutionary product that offers great tastes, far-reaching health benefits and powerful support for the cardiovascular system. Formulated in collaboration with leading L-arginine researchers and other cardiovascular specialist, ProArgi-9 Plus combines the latest technology and superior ingredients to enhance heart health and fitness. One serving of ProArgi-9 Plus contains 5000 mg of elemental pharmaceutical grade L-arginine.
Mix one packet with 120-240 ml of water depending on individual taste. Stir to dissolve. If water is very cold, mixture will take about one minute to dissolve. Add 3-4 cubes of ice to activate the flavor system if desired.
Web : https:www.synergyworldwide.com
Iklan dihantar oleh : Speed77Team ([email protected])
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